Fabric-Over-Foam Gaskets
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Product Name : Fabric-Over-Foam Gaskets
Product Origin : China
Product Category : Machine gaskets
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Product Code : SF-OXXXX-01
Product Details

 One. Fabric -Over -Foam  Advantages & Applications: 

1.Fabric- Over - Foam 

FOF is the conductive fiber cloth with conductive and corrosion resistant.Formed with low compressive PU foam force.It has a excellent shielding effect.Conductive fabirc is the ployester fiber covered with copper and nickel. the combination of copper and nickel provides eccellent conductivity & shielding effectiveness.

 2.Fabric-Over- Foam(FOF) advantages: 

a. Shielding effectiveness >100 dB with the use of  the frequency 20MHz-10GHz.

b. Good conductivity & low surface resistance only up to  <0.07Ohm/Square meter. 

c. Good wear resistance. high reliability.

d. Working temperature range: -31 --- +168 F. 

e. Combustion difficulty & up to UL 94V0 or UL 94 HB. 

f. Installation is easy and variable. suitable for paste .

g. Excellent design can provide  the customer with the better assembly solutions.

 3.Fabric-Over-Foam(FOF) classifications:

 a.All -wave Fabric-Over-Foam .

 b.Non-Halogen Fabric-Over -Foam .

 c.Ordinary Fabric-Over -Foam .

 d.Aluminum Fabric -Over -Foam . 

 e.Palting Au Fabric- Over -Foam . 

 f.Plating  Carbon Fabric -Over -Foam . 

 g.Agent other abrand Fabric -over- Foam. 

  4. Application fields:

widely used in consuming electronics. telecommunications. automotive. medical. military and other fields.

Two.Fabric- Over -Foam(FOF) Coding  Guide:



Code instruction:

S--- stand for EMIS company. 

X: FOF Kinds:

F: Fabric -Over - Foam; C: conductive cloth. 

A: stand  for shape: 

  R: Rectangle shape;  C:C-shape;   T:Triangle -shape;  D: D-shape;  I:I/O -shape; S:other shape

BB: section length.

CC: section  width.

D: cloth kinds:  G: line ripple conductive cloth;  P:flat ripple conductive cloth;                                   B:Black conductive cloth;   A:  Aluminum foil conductive cloth; C:other kinds. 

E:the type of  foam filled :  N:  PU foam;H:   High-density foam;L: Low-density foam;A:  All-wave conductive foam;  C:  Compressed  conductive foam; E:other kinds ;

F: paste tape types :N:No tape;  M:ordinary  tape;   C: conductive tape;E:other type tape. 

G: drawing version:V0---V9