Salt meter - YK-31SA 數字式鹽份計
2012-10-03 00:15
2016-11-01 10:11
Model : YK-31SA
* Measurement : 0 ot 10.0% salt (% weight).
* Large LCD display, 21.5 mm digit height.
* Automatic temperature compensation.
* Data hold, professional housing case.
* Aquariums, Water conditioning laboratory, industry & quality control.
* Separate electrode, easy operation. * The portable Salt meter provides fast, accurate readings, with digital readability and the convenience of a remote probe separately. * Measuring range : 0 to 10 % salt. * Automatic temp. compensation for the probe. * Water resistance on the front panel. * All function keys are used the rubber button. * Data hold. * Wide applications: water contioning, aquariums, beverage, fish hatcheries, food processing, photography, laboratory, paper industry, plating industry, quality control, school & college. LUTRON
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