CNACC International Co Ltd

Country : China Taiwan Company Type :
Contact Person : Wu   Weidong Contact Email : Inquire now!
Tel. : (86 10) 66012255 Fax. : (86 10) 66053479
Web Site :
Address : section101 Fuxingmen Nei Street Beijing China
Main Business
All categories - 47 products

Agricultural machines & equipment - 3 products

Art & craft supplies - 2 products

Beverage dispensers & containers - 1 product

Brass instruments - 5 products

Car tires - 1 product

Car wheel covers/rims - 3 products

Car wheel/tire parts - 1 product

Casino & gambling accessories - 4 products

Disposable cameras - 10 products

Motorcycle spokes/rims/tires - 2 products

Scientific/laboratory measuring & testing instruments - 2 products

Steering wheels - 1 product

String instruments - 2 products

Wind instruments - 5 products

Wooden toys - 5 products
Offering You Sourcing Opportunities
As one of China's largest exporter, we at CNACC International help international buyers to locate the right supplies for your needs. We've assisted our clients in transaction over $363 million.
Long List of products
At CNACC International, we offer you an extensive list of products -- including musical instruments, disposable cameras, gift items,wooden toys, casino poker chips, furniture, sports items, jewelry, auto parts and more.

Continued Growth
We continue to grow in value each year, increasing our ability to meet your needs. From $103 million in 1997, today we are worth over $200 million. We supply leading retailers such as Wal-Mart, Home Depot, Target, Best Buy, Nissho Iwai and Glencore. And since 2003, we've been ISO 9001:2000-certified.

International Contacts
For your convenience, we established CNACC International offices in the US, Eastern Europe and Brazil. Find out how we can you find your mainland China suppliers. Contact us today.