Hentak Limited

Country : China Taiwan Company Type :
Contact Person : Tung   Helen Contact Email : Inquire now!
Tel. : (86 592) 5792221 Fax. : (86 592) 5792221
Web Site : http://www.hentak.com.tw
Address : Guolinchang, Zhongzhai Vill., Huli Xiamen Fujian China
Main Business
All categories - 50 products

Analog decorative desk clocks - 16 products

Analog wooden wall clocks - 2 products

Novelty/decorative telephones - 32 products
Designs and styles have changed over the years, but here at Hentak Limited, our commitment to quality and creativity has remained constant. Every Hentak telephone set and clock we deliver is guaranteed to provide you with thousands of hours of visual pleasure and reliable service. And it???s painstakingly crafted to meet your exacting standards. The result is a customized item that brings its special uniqueness to any home or office.
At Hentak Limited, we manufacture our products using only the finest wood, porcelain, crystal and metal. Designs are both traditional and contemporary, frequently reflecting nature, romance and the fine arts. The goal of each design is to create a distinction that perfectly reveals the uniqueness of each individual. This is why for 15 years, our products have been highly sought after by buyers worldwide.

Our manufacturing centers are based in mainland China. And our sales and design offices are conveniently located in major cities in the Far East, Europe, the Middle East, North America and South America. For more information, call or e-mail us today.