Responsible Industrial Co Ltd

Country : China Taiwan Company Type :
Contact Person : Iris   Yao Contact Email : Inquire now!
Tel. : (886 49) 2323459 Fax. : (886 49) 2311135
Web Site :
Address : No. 258-5, Feng Tsao Road Tsaotun Town Nan Tou Taiwan 540
Main Business

All categories - 15 products

Bicycle lights - 1 product

Can & jar openers - 2 products

Electric food grinders/choppers - 1 product

Flashlights - 5 products

Hand/foot pumps - 1 product

Household vacuum cleaners - 1 product

Pruning/grass shears - 1 product

Screwdrivers & sets - 2 products

Vacuum sealers - 1 product
About Responsible Industrial
Established in 1979, Responsible Industrial is currently one of the long-established manufacturers of hardware, gift and house wares in Taiwan. The new devices we develop each season have unique functions that attract buyers such as QVC. These are primarily exported to the USA and Europe.
Responsible Industrial products
Responsible Industrial products carry CE and GS approvals for entry in the European market. Our product range includes hardware (emergency flashlight, tool kit, car repair tool kit and electric screwdriver), and gift/house wares (electric can opener, electric pruner, inflator, meat grinder, bicycle lamp and touch lamp).

OEM and ODM orders are welcome
To keep costs low, we manufacture in Guangdong. Ten QC technicians ensure that our product acceptance rate stays above 98%. We welcome OEM/ODM orders, and we complete production in 45 days. Contact us today.