Apto Solutions, INC.

Country : China Company Type :
Contact Person : Erik   Wallin Contact Email : Inquire now!
Tel. : 1 404 961-9623 Fax. : 1 404 605-0988
Web Site : http://www.aptosolutions.com
Address : 1195 Menlo Dr., Atlanta, Georgia, United States
Main Business
Sun Microsystems
Motorola SurfBoard 4100 Cable Modem
Tellabs Titan 5500
Apto Solutions is an asset recovery and technology solutions provider. Whether you are looking to expand your current network or liquidate all or part your assets, Apto Solutions will maximize your return.

Apto Solutions maintains an active database of recent global asset sale transactions and prices from all major and minor manufacturers as well as an ever-increasing list of customers that continue to purchase assets as they expand their networks. Our diverse customer base has allowed us to complete transactions all over the world.

Our asset recovery services provide the optimal solution for businesses looking to convert surplus assets into cash. Apto Solutions will expedite the recovery process and handle all of the details of the sales process for you, including market research, valuation of your assets, collections, and shipment of your assets to the buyer. Additionally, Apto Solutions' state of the art Inventory Management System allows you to track your assets in real time via the World Wide Web. Let our team handle the sale of your business assets so that you can focus on the other challenges you face.