本公司創於1988年是專業的商標生產供應商,已有10多年歷史,具有龐大的生產線和銷售網,在世界各地和中國內地都有一定的知名度,產品銷往世界各地,在質量、服務、價格皆得到客戶的讚賞.公司專營: 織嘜、織章、針織帶、反光織嘜、防偽織嘜、矽膠章、洗水印嘜、掛咭、彩盒、貼紙、電腦條碼.
同時我們提供一站式服務, 由起辦, 設計, 顧問, 生產到售後服務都由專科人員負責.
Founded in 1988, we are a leading supplier of coated fabric for label printing with a large-scale production line & sales network. Our products having different categories such as Woven Label, Woven Badge, Knitted Tape, Refliective Label, Anti-counterfeit Label,
Silicone Patch, Printed Care Label, Hang Tag, Colour Box, Sticker, Barcode.
We also make your custom designs or you can choose from our existing designs. Let us help you with your product development and branding by making the many parts needed or source them.
Our price is reasonable with quality production and printing, and prompt and on- time deliver.