Chuanglian Electronic Component (Group) Co Ltd

Country : China Company Type :
Contact Person : Ronghao   Wang Contact Email : Inquire now!
Tel. : (86 29) 88220746 Fax. : (86 29) 88260919
Web Site :
Address : 3 Dianzixi St. Xi'an Shaanxi China 710065
Main Business

All categories - 25 products

Carbon-composition resistors - 1 product

Coaxial connectors - 8 products

Conductive/dielectric/resistor pastes - 1 product

Control knobs & counting dials - 1 product

Crystal resonators - 2 products

Hybrid ICs - 1 product

Mica capacitors - 1 product

Microwave cable assemblies - 1 product

Trimming potentiometers - 8 products

Variable resistors/potentiometers - 1 product
About CLEC
With 40 years of R&D and manufacturing experience, our company, Chuanglian Electronic Component (Group) Co Ltd (CLEC), has become one of the top 100 electronic component manufacturers in mainland China. We supply potentiometers and other aerospace, communications, computer, instrument, household appliance and military equipment with electronic components and related items. We export our products to the US, Canada, Europe and Southeast Asia.
We have 14 subsidiaries and the financial strength to endure changing market conditions. One of these conditions is the move toward global supply and sourcing. Because of our decades of experience and commitment to R&D, we are able to meet these challenges head-on.

Our Products
At CLEC, we make a range of specialty components and products including trimming potentiometers, RF connectors, thick film hybrid ICs, mica capacitors, thick film electronic paste, 96-percent Al2O3 ceramic substrates, combustible gas sensors and more.

Approved for Your Market
Our facilities have ISO 9001:2000 and ISO 14000 certifications, and many of our products carry MIL, UL, IEC and GJB approvals. We welcome your specific QC requirements and will work with you to make sure that our designs -- and your OEM projects -- are suitable for your market.

Contact Us
Contact us today to discuss your next project and learn more about what we have to offer you.