Shanghai Self-Man Electronics Industry Co., Ltd.

Country : China Company Type :
Contact Person : Wenny   Sung Contact Email : Inquire now!
Tel. : 86-21-57244485~28 Fax. : 86-21-57244484
Web Site :
Address : 1058 Tingwei Road, Sangyang Town, Jinshan District, Shanghai City. China
Main Business
All categories--- (26)
Power Cords (21)
Other Power Cords (4)
Cable (1)
Self-Man Industrial Co., Ltd. is proud to be a pioneer of plug and connector manufacturers in Taiwan. It has been almost 15 years since our establishment. At first, we were only a small company with a factory in Taiwan. Now, we have been a large and good company by our constant learning.

Due to the necessity of company extending and market developing of power supply cords in China, we chose Shanghai to establish our branch office and factory in 1997.

In the 15 years, we constantly developed technology and emphasized the importance of product quality. We applied for the approval from many authorities, such as VDE, ASTA, SAA, T-Mark or PSE(JET), UL, CSA.

On the other hand, we have a perfect quality assurance system to keep the quality of products. Moreover, we considered the surrounding very much. Thus, we could successfully pass identification and become a formal member of ISO9001.

With our full efforts, we won the trust and reputation from many international customers, such as Panasonic, Sony, Logitech, D-Link, Hitatchi, Teco, Kolin, Tera.

We want to be a good partner of your esteemed company. Please trust and give us a choice to start our business.