Zhejiang Zhongda Tumarotex Co Ltd

Country : China Company Type :
Contact Person : NIL   NIL Contact Email : Inquire now!
Tel. : (86 571) 85777299 Fax. : (86 571) 85777231
Web Site : NULL
Address : 5F Tower A, Zhongda Plaza Hangzhou Zhejiang China
Main Business
All categories - 10 products

Brocade fabric - 2 products

Cotton yarn-dyed fabric - 1 product

Lace fabric - 1 product

Polyester blends - 1 product

Printed cotton fabric - 5 products
With more than 10 years of experience, our company, Zhejiang Zhongda Tumarotex, has been recognized as one of the most promising Africa-oriented enterprises in the field of import/export of textiles. We specialize in supplying fabrics, garments especially to West Africa. We have lots of experience and on-site knowledge of the realities of African commerce.
Here at Zhejiang Zhongda Tumarotex, we have set up a network of subsidiary factories that have been offering a variety of competitive fabrics and garments over years.

At Zhejiang Zhongda Tumarotex, we have a dynamic and motivated team dedicated to providing the best services. Moreover, our overseas agents have covered the main purchasing areas of Africa.

Browse our product showroom, and then contact us to see how we can help you.