A V Inc

Country : India Company Type :
Contact Person : Akhilesh   Chandra Contact Email : Inquire now!
Tel. : (91 11) 51665207 Fax. : (91 11) 51665206
Web Site : http://www.avincorp.net
Address : F / 312, Whitehouse Lado Sarai New Delhi Delhi India 110030
Main Business

All categories - 25 products

Bar/wine sets & accessories - 3 products

Bracelet /bangle costume jewelry - 1 product

Candle holders - 1 product

Ceiling pendant/hanging lights - 2 products

Costume chokers/necklaces - 2 products

Cushion covers - 1 product

Evening bags - 1 product

Non-leather belts - 2 products

Novelty lamps/lights - 1 product

Novelty pens - 1 product

Photo frames - 9 products

Tassels - 1 product
A V Inc. is one of the leading players in India's handicrafts industry. We offer an array of India-made handicrafts and jewelry items, and are constantly introducing new products and designs.

A V Inc. was founded by Mr. Akhilesh Chandra and Mrs. Vimla Bajoria in the year 1988. The company primarily serves as a merchant exporter and is involved in the trading of costume/imitation jewelry, Indian handicrafts and other art objects. We have been supplying some of the leading department stores and chain stores and have established a solid customer base in the UK, France, Sweden, Denmark, Holland, Australia, Canada, USA, Japan and other countries.

A V Inc. boasts an exceptional team of men and women, and always welcomes new talents to join the team. We strive to employ individuals who possess a positive attitude and to provide them with competitive benefits with opportunities to grow with the company.

For your easy sourcing, we have set up state-of-the-art showrooms in New Delhi, where you can see our latest product collections. You can view some of our offerings in our online showroom too. For complete and service details, contact our India office today.