Sino-America Joint Peerless Bicycles Co Ltd Guangzhou

Country : China Company Type :
Contact Person : Guoxing   Yue Contact Email : Inquire now!
Tel. : (86 20) 36803200 Fax. : (86 20) 36803190
Web Site :
Address : Longkou Industrial Area Huashan Town, Huadu District Guangzhou Guangdong China 510880
Main Business

All categories - 25 products

Children's bicycles - 1 product

Electric bicycles - 12 products

Mountain bicycles - 8 products

Racing bicycles - 1 product

Road bicycles - 2 products

Skateboards - 1 product
Bicycles have been our specialty since 1994. Mountain, electric, folding, racing, scooters, even the occasional tandem bicycle -- you'll find them all at Sino-America Joint Peerless Bicycles. Our latest offering is a pedal-activated electric bicycle that automatically adjusts the amount of motor assistance to match the speed of the rider's pedaling.
Our supplier experience includes 10 years manufacturing bicycles, three years in electric bicycles, and eight years providing OEM services. We have ten R&D staff to handle your OEM requirements and provide design services. A joint venture with Micargi further supports our product development program.

Your volume orders will be handled at our 16,000-square-meter factory, equipped with frame machines and assembly lines from the Taiwan area and spray painting machines from Japan. Every month we turn out 80,000 bicycles, over 70% of which is shipped to the US, Europe, Africa and Asia. All operations are ISO 9001:2000-certified.

Find out more about how you can benefit from sourcing with Peerless Bicycles. Browse through our Showroom, then send us your inquiries.